How DreamHost Made My Day

by Silicon Valley Blogger on 2006-12-312

Here was something I wrote a while back as I was struggling with growing pains with my new blog.

This place had been experiencing random hiccups and occasional down times in the last several weeks, so we’ve been working on the problem! A new migration is on the way so our site may experience some temporary interruptions now and then. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience while we keep striving to improve this site.

As it was, dealing with a blog that would go down and become unreachable was totally unacceptable. Can’t run a business that way! So here’s what happened since: I turned to a web host. You see, I was trying to “self-host” my site — that is, I was actually running my site on my own servers. Bad move especially when you’re not a pro at it…. 🙂 I was too cheap to think about outsourcing this service and paying someone else (a hosting service) to worry about maintaining my web environment. So I paid for it.

Well, DreamHost saved my blog.

I just migrated this blog over to DreamHost after I’ve had enough of its shenanigans, thanks to the instability of my own networks and servers. Serves me right for trying to go cheap and skimping on the hosting fees. Serves me right for trying to extend my control over to areas I have no significant expertise in.

Right after I did the migration, after a mere 3 hours, the power went out for over a day in the middle of a wind storm that left us more than just a bit bored and bothered. This time, the servers went out, but not our trusty blogs! At any rate, I was thrilled I spent the money to outsource the infrastructure, and that was literally not a second too soon! So thank you to all those of you who gave me your suggestions for cheap web hosts. It’s working out like a charm so far!

Second, DreamHost gave me a Christmas present.

I’ve perused their blog and came across this gem of a post in it. Remember that shopping cart hack I talked about earlier? Apparently, there are more bugs out there where that came from just waiting to turn us into wannabe scammers who can’t resist trying out some of these novel ideas. The post is about the possible ways consumers can scam establishments and companies for measly bucks: sure, you’re curious as hell, but I’m assuming you’ll at least try to resist these tricks despite how tempting it is. The amusement I got from it more than made up for the inconveniences we suffered throughout our transient power outage.

Thanks again Mr. DreamHost.

Copyright © 2006 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Damien December 31, 2006 at 8:12 pm

Don’t know much about DreamSpace, I will look into them. I’m with Top Class Hosting myself and they have been great.

Silicon Valley Blogger January 24, 2007 at 12:46 am

I think you mean DreamHost, right Damien?

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